The Framerate Police - a Steam Curator started by TotalBiscuit, which inspired this project.The below table is generated using inline Semantic MediaWiki queries using the 60 FPS field, and should automatically update when the game article page is updated.We are interested in attracting people to help with the project so that the list is completed faster and more accurately, so please spread the word.In Roblox Studio, go to View->Stats->Summary) Does this work for Mac No. Discussion on a dedicated thread in our Forum. Enjoy those beautiful frames (Press Shift + F5 in-game to view your FPS.Refer to the Editing guide if you are new to PCGamingWiki.Include descriptions, fixes and references where relevant.In this video, I show you guys how to unlock your fps on Windows, Mac. High framerate may occasionally cause some issues. These are the steps to download and Install Roblox FPS Unlocker Download the. Moreover, you can choose different kinds of bitrate, frame rate. |60 fps notes = Capped at 30 FPS use to modify the cap. Video Converter is a great application that is available for Windows and Mac OS. Find any games with 'unknown' compatibility and determine whether a game's 60 FPS field is true, false or hackable, by entering the field the information in the correct fields, e.g.:.Step 2 Launch The Software Launch the software and click Start to begin. You can find Roblox Unlocker on this Github page. We aim to list every PC game that does not support 60 FPS natively. I removed the 60 FPS Unlocker DLL GFX Tool HDR graphics FPS unlocker for PUBG. Guide To Using Roblox FPS Unlocker Step 1 Download The Software Download the software from the link below, extract the file, and install it.